Repost from Adoptive Families: Little Ears

This is an excellent article.  It is the one year anniversary of our adoption.  Yesterday, was the one year anniversary of signing the official paperwork and Alex and Lillian becoming ours.  November 27th was Gotcha Day, or the first time we met our two little ones.

I received this email today.  It was interesting to me because I have been thinking long and hard about the topic it covers in the article: what to say to strangers now that your kids are old enough to understand what you are saying.  We have had our share of nosy or bumbling questions.  People just really don’t understand how offensive it is when they ask: Are they yours? Are they REAL brother and sister (I didn’t know you could be fake brother and sister).  To most of the questions, I don’t elaborate, but give short answers.

I really like how this article encourages you to discuss with your child what they are comfortable with sharing.  That way the child controls the information being given and if they don’t want a stranger to know their business, that is their wish and we should honor that.

Anyway, for anyone having issues with the same topic, here is the article: Little Ears.

About perpetualrenovator

Preservationist, lover of all things old, scrapbooker, mom and wife. Questions? Email me at: Awarren1802@gmail dot com
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